The Christuman Way

A Community of Souls...exploring the mystery of being human

The Juvenescence of Light

O Beloved Spirit,
Between the dark of Winter 
and the light of Spring,
Between our worst fears 
and the beginnings of our hope,
Between what we didn’t get done 
and what we aspire to achieve,
we welcome the young light 
as it ordains a new beginning 
and our days become a little lighter, a little longer.
We are grateful. 

Between the place we have been
and the place we are moving to,
Between the fallowness of yesterday’s ground
and the awakening of the tomorrow’s garden,
Between the dreams yet unrealized
and the emerging visions initiated,
we welcome the young light 
as it ordains a new beginning 
and our days become a little lighter, a little longer.
We are grateful. 

Between what we have done until now
and what we know is possible,
between the light we have been able to bear unto this day 
and the light we know can be attained,
between what we have tried to create in days gone by
and what can be born out of us,
we welcome the young light 
as it ordains a new beginning 
and our days become a little lighter, a little longer.
We are grateful. 

A little more ragged, perhaps,
a little more worked over by the winter winds,
a little more tenuous than in cycles past,
and yet, a young light takes hold.
Warmed by a fledgling hope,
encouraged by a hint of “better",
we welcome the juvenescence 
of this young light 
heralding a season of new beginnings,
surprising blooms, astonishing fruit.
We welcome in the young light 
as it ordains a new beginning. 
May it revive our joy in
this most marvel-filled journey we share. 
We are grateful. Amen.

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