The Christuman Way

A Community of Souls...exploring the mystery of being human

Prayer For An Opening

O Beloved Spirit,

We are at the bare beginning
of an opening—
though tentative, we are hopeful;
though guarded, we are expectant;
though unsure, we are emerging.
An opening—
where the bud starts to unfold,
An opening—
where the light starts to infiltrate.
An opening—
where the air rushes in with freshness.

We are at the bare beginning
of an opening—
where we look for regeneration
after a reclusive year
where we look for regeneration
after an insular season,
where we look for regeneration
after days of distancing and distance.

We are at the bare beginning
of an opening—
May we translate this opening into
a re-imagined beginning
steeped in a well-tempered vision
that will carry us beyond just
continuing where we left off.
May we translate this opening into
a transfigured beginning
where our native essence
is re-membered in all ways new
and is in all ways re-newed.
May we translate this opening into
a unique pilgrimage relaunched
by way of our true north;
where we shed the trappings
of what no longer serves us.
May we boldly begin again
gratefully celebrating the
bare beginning of our opening. Amen

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