The Christuman Way

A Community of Souls...exploring the mystery of being human

An Invocation of Yin

An Invocation for Yin

O Beloved Spirit,
We are grateful for the interweaving energies
of the yin and the yang,
of the male and the female
that hum through our veins
and sing such a singular song
through each of us.
Our outer form belies the truth
that our One is a unique mix of the two
as we expound into
an unmistakable expression of the Both.

This day we pay tribute to and call upon
the Yin, the female in us,
that we might siphon up the receptive,
the liminal energy of potentia,
the transformational power of concentration
to hold space for our grief and compassion,
to make fertile the dark and the contemplative,
to give birth to beauty and to the artful.

This day we thank and embrace
the female in us and befriend its waters,
cultivate its grace, channel its fierce beauty.
This day we sing a song of Yin
to its transforming powers—
of submission and devotion,
of womb and of tomb;
of its time-tested wisdom.
And so we invoke the power of the Yin—
where we call upon its restorative waters to nurture and to heal,
where we invoke its inclusive waters to cohere and embrace,
where we summon its fertile waters to instantiate new life, new birth.

This day we sing a song
in tribute to the Female, the Yin
that it may nurture the necessary potentia
vital to our soul’s purpose.
May we allow in its transforming waters
that we might expound into
an unmistakable expression of our Both. Amen

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