The Christuman Way

A Community of Souls...exploring the mystery of being human

Daily Signet

I feel no need to give a rational argument for the existence of God. I simply believe that if the synchrony, if the harmony of this family we call Human needs one portion—one synergy as Buckminster Fuller calls it—just one portion to be created real, then that portion we call God is real and necessary to it. It is an aesthetic, but even more, it is sacred, divine and needful in any of us who would be Human.                                                                                          

William Boast

On This Day…

Simchat Torah: first reading as the new journey through Torah begins

Archangels Gabriel, Michael and Raphael

Michaelmas Day: feast day for the three messenger angels sent to Earth by God to provide guidance or instruction at critical points in the Christian story


Miguel de Cervantes born 1547: novelist best known for Don Quixote de la Mancha, died 1616
Quotes: “Too much sanity may be madness and the maddest of all, to see life as it is and not as it should be.” “Never stand begging for that which you have the power to earn.” “Those who play with cats must expect to be scratched.”

Daily Signet

The mystery of God is in the God within the God—that there is a God gene that somehow can recombine and unfold its own image through the lineage of the human, that somehow His whole is in my fragment. The mystery of God is that such grand intelligence that is beyond all universes is somehow coded into my own DNA and can unite me here with His image everywhere—that the God within the God is at play in his love for me and synchronizes the music with the dance that His grace may abound. The mystery of the God is in the holo-God who is the whole picture and yet, found wholly within each piece. The mystery of the god within the god is that God is within the mystery of being human. And my longing and my prayers and my loves are themselves the God within the God because they carry His signature and will not betray me. Already I have the love of the god within the God, now may this mystery flow unconstricted through me.                                                           

Benjamin Martin

On This Day…

Happy Birthday Confucius, born 552 in Lu, China

St. Wenceslas of Bohemia (of “Good King Wenceslas” Christmas carol fame): 10C Duke of Bohemia, assassinated by his own brother

Daily Signet

Oh God, 

Make fluent my tongue with the unspeakable. 
Make fluent my mind with the unknowable. 
Make fluent my heart with what passes all understanding,
the fire of Your love. 
Make fluent the light on my tongue. 
Make fluent the light of my mind. 
Make fluent the light in my heart 
that I may be conversant with the Holy. 
Make me fluent in Your Spirit 
that the affluence of holy gifts 
will keep me in unceasing conversation. 
Make me fluent in the unspeakable 
that the dialogue of the Word 
as it speaks itself into flesh 
may continue through me. 

In Your Image. Amen.  

Teri Martin

On This Day…

Meskel: Ethiopian and Eritrean Orthodox Christian remembrance of the discovery of the true cross by Roman Empress Helena (4C) 

Daily Signet

Love for your fellow man can only be for man, woman, child. So with God. When your God becomes personally real—with a name—then you can love god. Tragically now, even religion has become collective, and calls up knee-jerk reactions from both fundamentalist Christian and fundamentalist atheists. 

One warm, aromatic, sweet, rich doughnut is Zen real. You'll starve to death if you try to live on the category.... 

Synergy and synchrony are never collective. 

One soul. One person. One universe. One God. Each. Organic, not mechanical.    

William Boast

Daily Signet

We dive into our Credo, declaring, “I believe in the Holy and Universal Spirit to whom mankind has given many names and one love, our God, ineffable and divine.” A rose is a rose is a rose by any other name and so we say of Spirit, call it what you will—your name, our name—a creative attempt to call forth and identify with and to dance with and to worship with and to break out of the everything else with and to give a name to the manifestation, to the manifestations of the divine, the Spirit.  

We dive into the Credo and it all ends in the deep, deep waters— it all ends in love. The big splash, the revelatory plunge, the exhilarating amazement is to end up in the one love—not the same name, same belief, the sameness of anything but in the oneness of the love, the beloving. And though there is a longing to be one and to return to the beloved, we learn this oneness of love in love for one other—of spouse, of child, of grandchild, of soul-friend, of co-worker, of kin and beyond. So, there are many and manifold and uncountable names and sparks, but then the splash—only one—only the one and only the one love. How true. 

We dive into the Credo and though the splash and the plunge are into the one love, we are tossed into an ocean that is ineffable, unfathomable, bottomless—that is divine—infused with a creative essence that continues a revelatory dance of nuance and flair and unlimited plumage and color and mystery. This landing place for the opening affirmation of the credo carries in the possessive—our—so it is not just an impersonal force or external non-creatureness but personal—it is God made immanent because we personalize what we know in our soul of souls to be ineffable and divine. Ours—a personal affirmation and total embrace of what is ineffable and divine though by its very nature it is unembraceable and yet, we are its only chance to unfold and be made known, be made manifest through us.

Benjamin Martin

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