The Christuman Way

A Community of Souls...exploring the mystery of being human

Daily Signet

There’s no need to remove yourself from the noise of the daily and ordinary scurry of action.  Rather, there is the need to silence yourself in the focus of a great vision, to be ever mindful of that great question, “Who is that being that fills me with wonder?”  For it is in the most usual creases of a day, that light slips through, openings appear, the most amazing understandings fill you, the most incredible breakthroughs take you to where you never thought you would arrive.  It is the wonder of being and that being is the wonder that fills you.

Like the prophet Elijah, standing at the opening of the cave, you discover, that the One who creates is not always in the wind, the earthquake, the fire—not necessarily in the greatest works of generative power, words of passion and hope, nor even the finest iconoclastic thoughts of the mind. The Creator is in the still small voice. So like Elijah, let you stand at the opening of the cave and square the “who you thought you had become” with the voice of Who has always been. It is in this sense of wonderment that you are intersected with the now-moment, where you may hear the still, small, directive voice of holiness.  It is in this sense of wonderment that you take a transcendent self and allow it to become immanent in your own self, and say with the sages, “I am One.”   

Benjamin Martin

On This Day…

Caesar Vallejo born 1892 in Peru, died 1938: poet, writer, playwright
Works: Trilce, Los Heraldos Negros, Poema Humanos
Quotes: “Intellectuals are rebels, not revolutionaries.” “The arts, painting, poetry, etc., are not just these. Eating, drinking, walking are also arts; every act is an art.”

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