The Christuman Way

A Community of Souls...exploring the mystery of being human

Daily Signet

Meditation on the Prasna Upanishad

Remain a year, O Bhargava, live for a cycle of time
and then we will speak of the power of life,
of the power supreme that is life itself.
Remain a year, a cycle of time
and attune your voice, mind, eye and ear
to the song that is life.
Be the eye that hears, the fire that burns, the sun that gives light,
the song of joy that is the wind, the rain and the thunder
as life sings the mystery of that which is and that which is not.
Remain a year, O Bhargava,
and if you would know the power of life,
watch as Creation itself is quickened again and again in the womb of time.
And when the time comes,
you will know that we are not the consumers of life,
but the consumed,
that each is a poem and truth written by life
born as a gift to the gods.                                           

Teri H Martin

On This Day…

St. Patrick: 5C missionary and Bishop of Ireland, patron of green beer and lovers

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