The Christuman Way

A Community of Souls...exploring the mystery of being human

The Daily Signet

The Enneanean was born through the spiritual creativity that comes from listening for the Holy Spirit in all that has come before, and then creatively expresses those universal and eternal truths in a way that no one has ever done before. All the colors may have been painted, all the steps danced, all the notes played, yet each new painting, dance, song is different. Each artist has the miraculous potential to take those same old, used parts and from them, to create something new. In the same way, each individual has the potential to dip from the same pool of wisdom, truth and love and to retell, reorder, and thus renew the life and power of the Holy Spirit…No one religion can claim the rights of originality when it comes to the Truth for it is revealed to us only through God’s grace. However, we each see the same old truth in our own original way and have been chosen by God to share these visions through this gift of Christuman.

Alexis Drabek

On This Day…

New Year for Persians, Zoroastrians and Baha’is

Ostara-Mabon: Wicca and Neo-Pagan new year 

Taoist rite honoring the”Shen” -  deities of water, east and spring and prayers to live in harmony with nature

Shunki-Korei-Sai: Shinto festival honoring the ancestral spirits

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