The Christuman Way

A Community of Souls...exploring the mystery of being human

Daily Signet

The eternal creative force can only exist by the perpetual imaginative motion of paradox. Our physical eyes cannot hold the two pictures at once—the box either comes out from the page toward us or recedes into the page away from us. We are either in the white of the yang or the black of the yin. Only in the imagination, only with the eyes of the soul, can one steady one’s self in the space between. Logic takes us to the certain, sure and measurable edges of our thinking, but only imagination, only art, only ritual, only prayerful contemplation can hold us in the center, in the space between our thoughts. In the world, we must choose one picture at a time—we must choose an edge. The successful, who may even gain the whole world, can move with agility back and forth. But the soul can only be visited, cared for and restored in the space between.

From the imaginal space between comes the sacred, comes grace. It is the place where Christs are born and Virgins are made once again virginal, where creativity is made eternal. Universal restoration is not something that will happen at the end of time, but is something that happens each time one holds oneself in the middle of paradox and restores the soul.                                                                  

Teri Martin

On This Day…

Khordad Sal: Jain remembrance of Prophet Zaranthushtra

Tennessee Williams born 1911 in Columbus, Mississippi, died 1983: playwright
Works: Cat On A Hot Tin Roof, A Streetcar Named Desire
Quotes: “When so many are lonely as seem to be lonely, it would be inexcusably selfish to be lonely alone.” “There is a time for departure even when there’s no certain place to go.” “In memory, everything seems to happen to music.”

Robert Frost born 1874 in San Francisco, died 1963: poet
Works: Home Burial, The Runaway, The Road Not Taken
Quotes: “In three words I can sum up everything I’ve learned about life; it goes on.” “The best way out is always through.” “Love is an irresistible desire to be irresistibly desired.”

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