The Christuman Way

A Community of Souls...exploring the mystery of being human

Daily Signet

Could I unfold like a map my life
from beginning to this precious moment, 
The course would be studded with the stars 
That mark miracles.

Sometimes these stars twinkle late, 
Hold back their blooming, 
Some burst quickly in sudden brilliance. 

There are stars so obvious 
You cannot miss them, 
Some hide out. 

The wonder of these miracles 
Is not, as Bill said, a ‘why’ question. 
Deserving is not involved. 

As I grow old, I recognize my stars sooner, 
And am grateful for them, 
Whether as blessings, mercies, travails or sufferings. 
All gifts of grace, gifts of grace.              

Donna Piper Leichtling

On This Day…


St. Agnes: patron of virgins and Girl Scouts

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