The Christuman Way

A Community of Souls...exploring the mystery of being human

Daily Signet

Here we are—21st century man created out of the dust of stars and animated by the Creator’s breath. Our access to this inspiration, this Holy Breath, can become constricted or at least partially blocked. We become short of breath, labored with the immediate and no longer capable of drawing on the inspiration intended for our earthly walk with God. Moses was on the backside of the desert where he was focusing on his daily living—tending the sheep. It was as he approached the mountain of God, Horeb (as the scriptures say), that he was startled into a full expansive breath that awakened every cell. For, “the Lord appeared in the flame of the fire…” and I think that the experience would catch my breath and then awaken me to a whole new onrush of thoughts and inspirations too.

Here we are—21st century man created out of dust of stars and animated by the Creator’s breath. Our access to this inspiration, this Holy breath, can become constricted or at least partially blocked. We become short of breath, labored with the immediate and no longer capable of drawing on the inspiration intended for our earthly walk with God. This is not to suggest that we remove the immediate and become centered on a heavenly kingdom or a better tomorrow or a therapeutic interpretation of the past. Instead, it suggests that we recognize, know again, that this life now is imbued with life always—the Holy Breath. And this life always is alight with joy and should be the fuel for the immediate. We are the burning bush that is not consumed. And this Holy Breath should light our lights and make us into lights and transform our star dust into star light for the world to see.                                                                                                              

Benjamin Martin

On This Day…

Sikh remembrance of the martyrdom of Guru Arjan

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