The Christuman Way

A Community of Souls...exploring the mystery of being human

Daily Signet

I always knew that everything was filled with the spirit of God—not just we upright primates, but all animals, trees, plants, water, stones. It was unthinkable to me that they could merely be chunks of animated or motionless matter.

I am amazed that there are sentient beings who can look at the components of our world and perceive only skin, petals, crystals, bark. Who can view such unfathomable complexity and regard it as an accidental conglomeration of molecules.

I began to consider what vision might be truer—that of eyes who regard not God’s energy within that which they see—who call a silver maple merely a tree, look upon their neighbor as just a walking blob of cells with verbal capacities, or the evening sky as a darkening void occupied only by glowing bodies flung abroad by no hand. Do they see more clearly because they believe nothing to be before their sight but those material items?  They add no quality by their belief in something within or behind what they view. Or do eyes witness with more truth which perceive all to be infused with God, and thus see with heightened resolution?                                                  

Donna Piper Leichtling

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