The Christuman Way

A Community of Souls...exploring the mystery of being human

Daily Signet

O Beloved Spirit,

It is a precarious journey.
There is safety
in affirmations, in labels, in achievements, in recognition,
but there is no safety on the Way.
Affirmations, labels, achievement and recognition
get in the way of the Way
and must be set aside. 

While we think of it as
“the straight and narrow path,”
really it is a swirling spiral.
We come around to almost the same place
with almost the same insight,
only one loop in, one layer deeper. 

Take us one loop in,
one layer deeper,
that we may leave where we are behind,
until we cycle 'round again
and find that where we've been
is in tandem with where we will be. 

So in between the tension
of the outer swirl and the inner swirl
is the point of our arriving departure. 

Take us
one loop in,
one layer deeper,
where we are always at the point of our between. Amen.                  

Benjamin Martin

Photo by @showkin9 on Unsplash

Photo by @showkin9 on Unsplash

On This Day…

Thanksgiving Day (Canada)

Indigenous Peoples’ Day

St. Denys: Bishop of Paris, martyred with his companions in 250

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